Finally on day 7 I decided to ignore his advice and go to the hospital. I messaged him at 4:38am Berlin time that I was on my way to a Berlin (German) eye hospital (4000 miles from home). [ Partial audio recording ] Right after we ended our video call, he sent me photos of several botched eyeball tattoos (below), which I immediately recognized from the internet. He insisted that those people ended up being just fine. In reality they were both seriously hurt.

It was at that moment I became shocked and horrified to finally realize that everything he told me was a lie. He had pleaded with me to give the healing process time ("2 WEEKS!") and discouraged me from seeking medical treatment. He never once expressed concern that my symptoms were not normal. "It totally normal bro, it happens to a lot of people, trust me you'll be fine". I truly deeply wished for this to be a success and trusted Emilio unconditionally 100%.


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